We have containers in the major cities throughout the United States. Our Canada locations are Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, and Edmonton. And we may occasionally have containers in other locations that are not listed on the map. If you don't see the location where you need containers, please call our toll free number: (877) 247-8800.

Depot Locations:

Mobile, AL
Birmingham, AL
Phoenix, AZ
Oakland, CA
Long Beach, CA
Denver, CO
Jacksonville, FL
Tampa, FL
Miami, FL
Savannah, GA
Atlanta, GA
Chicago, IL
Indianapolis, IN
Kansas City, KS
Louisville, KY
New Orleans, LA
Baltimore, MD
Worcester, MA
Detroit, MI
Minneapolis, MN
Jackson, MS
Kansas City, MO
St. Louis, MO
Omaha, NE
Newark, NJ
Camden, NJ
New York, NY
Wilmington, NC
Charlotte, NC
Cleveland, OH
Columbus, OH
Cincinnati, OH
Portland, OR
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Charleston, SC
Memphis, TN
Nashville, TN
Dallas, TX
Houston, TX
El Paso, TX
Salt Lake City, UT
Norfolk, VA
Seattle, WA
Tacoma, WA
Milwaukee, WI

Compared with many traditional methods, shipping containers offer greater efficiency and economy in storing and transporting a wide variety of products. Containers minimize direct access to, and handling of goods and can therefore reduce losses from pilfering and damage. In addition, the protection to contents provided by shipping containers can often replace special packaging that might otherwise be needed.

New Build Containers

Our new build containers are designed for strength to hold maximum payloads, to resist damage and wear and tear, and to reflect for our customers the lowest possible operating costs. These are new containers that have had one load shipped in them. By allowing a shipper to use the container for a single load, our cost to position a new container into North America is reduced significantly. These savings are reflected in the price to you.

Used Containers

To stand up to the rigors of sea travel, shipping containers need to be very strong, secure and weather proof. These excellent features make used containers perfect for safe and secure on-site storage, overland transportation or to be customized into any number of practical uses. Allstate Container offers a full range of superior quality used and refurbished containers for rental and sale plus customized container to suit your specific needs.

Specialized and Customized Containers

These containers are designed and manufactured to suit our customers' specific requirements and specifications. Our customers enjoy high quality, cost efficient, responsive and creative container sales and rental solutions.


Our Product Range

  • General Purpose Dry Containers
  • Open-Top Containers
  • Double Door Containers
  • Refrigerated Containers
  • Insulated Containers
  • High-Cube Containers
  • Flat Rack Containers
  • Tank Containers
  • Bulk Containers
  • Ventilated Containers
  • Full Door Containers
  • Removable Hard Top Containers
  • And many more...